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Startup Business

Who are you?

You're embarking on a new venture and seeking support to design, implement, and manage your comprehensive Compliance Program, tailored to meet your partners' requirements. Compliance represents one of the final barriers to launch, playing a critical role in ensuring a safe and successful start, as well as sustained growth.

How we can help you

As a startup business, you require step-by-step guidance and support on the regulatory and bank partner requirements tied to your business operations.

If you’re looking for a one-stop-shop partner to design, implement, and manage your compliance program until you're ready to take over, look no further. StrategyBRIX, fulfilling your compliance needs A-Z.


MSB & Licensing Requirements

Manage your MSB Licensing and Registration process



Provide access to our Compliance training platform and deliver training to your operations teams


Compliance Representation

Act as your Compliance Team by bringing Compliance and Operations experts 

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Perform an Independent Assessment of Compliance Program



Manage Bank Sponsor requirements and processes to secure your Partnership


Policies and Procedures

Draft AML/BSA, KYC/CDD, Transaction Monitoring, Sanctions, and other Compliance Policies and Procedures 


Program Implementations

Implement your Compliance Program in line with your Policies and Procedures


Technology implementation

Support the implementation of Onboarding, Transaction Monitoring, and Sanctions systems

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Background and Scope

Our client engaged StrategyBRIX to obtain their banking partnership process and operationalize and manage their financial Compliance program in line with their existing policies and procedures.


Successfully obtained the bank partnership, implemented a comprehensive Compliance program, and managed all day-to-day financial crime Operations and Compliance activities for our client. 

External Stakeholders

Managed the bank partnership process and requests to help develop and / or maintain the relationship with the partner.

Alert Review

Reviewed alerts generated by the Transaction Monitoring and Sanctions Screening systems.

Program Implementation

Operationalized and currently managing the Financial Crime policies and procedures. Including bringing Compliance technology implementation.

KYB/KYC review

Providing KYC/KYB support for new customers including information collection, due diligence, and risk rating.

Go to Market Support

Provided compliance expertise on target state Products and Services as our client evolved its business.


Conducted employee and board BSA/AML and Sanctions training to meet regulatory and partner requirements.

New to financial crime compliance?

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Give your business the tailored financial crime support it deserves.

Interested in what we can do for you? Fill out the form. We're excited to get back to you.

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